Saturday, 14 January 2012

Photoshop Polaroid

As discussed in my visual diary, I have decided to Photoshop my own photographs into Polaroid frames due to the cost of the obsolete technology.

Start by taking photographs on a digital camera, you are able to make more convincing images with photographs taken from a greater  distance than is conventional.

Open the chosen image in Photoshop, and 'Select All' (keyboard shortcut for mac - CMD+A), then 'Copy' (keyboard shortcut for mac - CMD+C).

Meanwhile, open a file with a scanned Polaroid and select the photograph area using the area select tool.

Now, 'Edit', 'Paste special', 'Paste into'

The image will be far too large, so 'Edit', 'Free Transform' and proceed to scale down the image using the corner arrow tool and hold SHIFT at the same time so the image stays in proportion.

Carry on until the image fits nicely, which will depend on the original photograph.

Accept the transformation on the top bar by clicking the tick.

This would look much better if the original image would have been taken from a further distance.

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